Use your web protection solution to develop and enforce policies to protect your network. Together, a series of web protection components (described in Web protection components) provide security for web-based transactions, as well as management, user identification, alerting, reporting, and troubleshooting capabilities.
Initially, your software uses its Default policy to monitor Internet use without blocking requests. (See The Default policy for more information.)
- The Default policy governs Internet access for all clients in the network until you define your own policies and assign them to clients.
- You are encouraged to edit the Default policy so that it can be used for enforcement, rather than just monitoring.
- After you have created custom policies, the Default policy is applied to any request not governed by another policy.
To get started with policy enforcement, see:
- Internet Usage Filters
- Web Protection Clients
- Web Protection Policies
A single, browser-based tool—the Forcepoint Security Manager—provides a central, graphical interface to the general configuration, policy management, and reporting functions of all Forcepoint on-premises security solutions. See Working in the Forcepoint Security Manager for more information.
You can define levels of access to the Security Manager to allow specified administrators to manage one or more products. Within the Web module of the Security Manager, you can further refine access permissions to allow administrators to manage policies, perform reporting tasks, and more. See Delegated Administration and Reporting for more information.