Log Database is not available

The Log Database stores Internet usage information for use in presentation reports, investigative reports, and the charts and summaries on the Dashboard page in the Forcepoint Security Manager.

If web protection software is unable to connect to the Log Database, first verify that the database engine (Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express) is running on the Log Database machine.

  1. Open the Windows Services tool and verify that the MSSQLSERVER service is running.

    If you are running Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise (not Express), also make sure that the SQLSERVERAGENT service is running.

  2. If a service has stopped, right-click the service name and click Start.

    If the service does not restart, check the Windows Event Viewer for Microsoft SQL Server errors and warnings.

  3. If you are running Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise (not Express), double-click the SQLSERVERAGENT service to open a Properties dialog box, and verify that the Startup type is set to Automatic. This ensures that SQL Server Agent restarts each time Microsoft SQL Server, or the database engine machine, is restarted.

    If the Startup type is Manual or Disabled, change it to Automatic, and then click OK.

If the database engine and (if applicable) SQL Server Agent services are running:

  • Use the Windows Services tool to make sure that the Websense Log Server service is running.
  • If Log Server and the Log Database are on different machines, make sure that both machines are running, and that the network connection between the machines is not impaired.
  • Make sure that there is enough disk space on the Log Database machine, and that the Log Database has a sufficient quantity of allocated disk space (see Log Server is not recording data in the Log Database).
  • Make sure that the SQL Server password has not been changed. If the password changes, you must update the password information Log Server uses to connect to the database.
  • Make sure that there are no network interruptions that are preventing the Forcepoint Security Manager from communicating with the Log Database.

After making sure that the database engine and related services are running, and that any network problems have been resolved, use the Windows Services tool to restart the Websense TRITON - Web Security service. This ensures that presentation reports scheduler can save job definitions (see No Log Server is installed for a Policy Server).