Content Gateway outbound security analysis

Outbound security:

  • Provides outbound analysis that mirrors your inbound Security Threats configuration. This option also supports social web controls.
  • Performs specialized data theft protection, analyzing for and blocking outbound custom encrypted files, password files, and other forms of sensitive data (see number 2, below).
  1. Enable Analyze for and block outbound security threats (default) to analyze outbound content for threats like bot and spyware phone home traffic. This option performs outbound analysis that mirrors your inbound Security Threats configuration.
    Important: This option must be enabled to support social web controls.
  2. Enable Data theft protection (default) to analyze and block:
    1. Outbound custom encrypted files that are posted to uncategorized sites and suspicious destinations, as defined by Forcepoint Security Labs.
    2. Password files and files containing sensitive or suspicious data, regardless of the destination.

    The results of analysis are reported to the Threats dashboard, and are included in transaction logs and reports.