If you log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager with network credentials, password changes are handled through your network directory service. Contact your system administrator for
If you have been assigned a local user name and password, view information about your account and change your password within the Security Manager.
Click Global Settings in the Security Manager toolbar. The My Account page opens.
To change your password, first enter your current password, then enter and confirm a new password.
- The password must be between 8 and 255 characters.
- Strong passwords are required: 8 characters or longer, including at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, number, and special character (such as hyphen, underscore,
or blank).
Click OK to save and implement the change.
To see a list of roles that you can administrator, go to the Web module page.
- If you are assigned to manage only one role, its name appears in the list.
- If you are assigned to manage multiple roles, click View next to your user name to see them listed.
When you are finished, click Close to return to the Delegated Administration page.