Add clients to the Clients page

After Super Administrators assign managed clients to a role, delegated administrators can add them to the Clients page and assign them policies. See Adding a client for instructions.

When clients are added to a managed clients list, their Internet requests are immediately subject to a policy in the role.

  • Clients previously assigned a policy within the Super Administrator role are governed by a copy of that policy in the new role. The Move to Role process automatically copies the applicable policy.
  • Clients not previously assigned a policy receive the new role’s Default policy. Initially, this Default policy enforces a Default category and protocol filter copied from the Super Administrator role.

Any client that appears in the Managed Clients list on the Delegated Administration > Edit Role page for your role can be added to the Clients page and assigned a policy. For groups, domains (OUs), and networks assigned to the role, you can also can add:

  • Individual users who members of the group or OU
  • Individual computers that are members of the network

Because a user may be part of multiple groups or OUs, adding individuals from a larger client grouping has the potential to create conflicts when different roles manage groups our OUs with common members. If administrators in different roles access the Web module at the same time, they might add the same client (individual member of a group, for instance) to their Clients page. In that situation, policy enforcement for that client is governed by the priority established for each role. See Managing role conflicts.