View hybrid service authentication reports

Select View Report under Authentication Report on the Main > Status > Hybrid Service page to download reporting data from the hybrid service and see a breakdown of how hybrid users are identified or authenticated with the service.

The report output consists of a pie chart and a table, showing the number of clients using each available authentication method over the last 7 days. Configure web endpoint, single sign-on, NTLM identification, and form or manual authentication for clients on the Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Hybrid User Identification page (see Identification and authentication of hybrid users).

X-Authenticated-User authentication is available if you have deployed one of the following as a downstream chained proxy server:
  • Microsoft™ Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server or Forefront™ Threat Management Gateway (TMG) server
  • BlueCoat Proxy SG

The downstream proxy server performs user authentication and forwards requests to the hybrid proxy using the X-Authenticated-User header.

Click an authentication method in the table to see a list of users who have most recently authenticated with that method. You cannot click an authentication method that you have not deployed or that is currently not in use.

Each authentication method report can contain up to 1000 users. The users are listed by user name, email address, and the last authenticated browsing time. Click the arrow buttons at the bottom of the report to view previous or subsequent pages.

Reports displayed in the content pane cannot be printed or saved to a file. To print or save a report to file, click Export to PDF or Export to XLS to view the report in the appropriate output format.


To display authentication reports in PDF format, Adobe Reader v7.0 or later must be installed on the machine from which you are accessing the Forcepoint Security Manager.

To display authentication reports in XLS format, Microsoft Excel 2003 or later must be installed on the machine from which you are accessing the Security Manager.

Each report includes the data and time it was last updated. Updates are not automatic: to download the latest report data from the hybrid service, click Update.