Integrating the hybrid service with a single sign-on identity provider
Single sign-on uses an identity provider to authenticate user identity, attributes, and roles with enterprise directories. All communications between components are secured.
When single sign-on is enabled and installed on your network, clients connecting to the hybrid proxy are redirected to an identity provider. The identity provider must be configured if off-site users are to be authenticated. Once single sign-on has authenticated a user against your directory service, they are directed back to the hybrid proxy and the appropriate policy is applied. Clients who have authenticated once do not then have to authenticate again for subsequent browsing sessions.
Currently, Ping Federate, Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), and, with v8.5.5, any SAML 2.0 Compliant Identity Provider are supported as single sign-on identity providers. For information about how to deploy PingFederate, please visit their website. Visit this website for information about AD FS.
To integrate a single sign-on identity provider: