Contacting Technical Support for database download issues

If you are still experiencing Forcepoint URL Database download problems after completing the troubleshooting steps in this Help section, send the following information to Technical Support:

  1. The exact error message that appears in the Database Download dialog box
  2. External IP addresses of the machines attempting to download the database
  3. Your Forcepoint subscription key
  4. Date and time of the last attempt
  5. Number of bytes transferred, if any
  6. Open a command prompt and perform an nslookup on If connection to the download server is made, send the IP addresses returned to Technical Support.
  7. Open a command prompt and perform a tracert to If connection to the download server is made, send the route trace to Technical Support.
  8. A packet trace or packet capture performed on the Filtering Service machine during an attempted download.
  9. A packet trace or packet capture performed on the network gateway during the same attempted download.
  10. The following files from the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default): websense.ini, eimserver.ini, and config.xml.

Go to for Technical Support contact information.