Configuring trend data

Use the Trend Data Retention section of the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page to specify how long trend data should be retained in the Log Database.


  1. Mark Store trend data to prompt the ETL job to store trend data, and to activate the nightly trend job.

    Trend data is calculated only for data collected while this option is enabled.

    Data stored in the database before trend data retention is enabled, or data collected after the option is disabled, cannot be included in trend reports.

    When this option is disabled, the Trend database job runs only to process threat- related data in the AMT partition.

  2. Indicate how long to store weekly, monthly, and yearly trend data. Note that increasing the length of time trend data is stored increases the size of the Log Database (see Log Database sizing guidance).
    Note: Because trend data is stored in the catalog database, rather than the partition database, trend data storage periods are not dependent on how long database partitions are retained.

    The default storage periods for trend data are:

      SQL Server SQL Server Express
    Daily 90 days 60 days
    Weekly 26 weeks 13 weeks
    Monthly 18 months 6 months
    Yearly 5 years 3 years

    The nightly trend job purges data when it is older than the specified retention period.

  3. Click OK to cache your changes. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.