Configure Directory Agent settings for the hybrid service

Select Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Shared User Data to review and edit your current Directory Agent configuration, and to configure Directory Agent to communicate with Sync Service.

The table near the top of the page lists the Active Directory global catalogs identified on the Settings > General > Directory Services page. Add or remove global catalog servers, or change the directory service used by web protection software, on that page.


If you remove an Active Directory server from the Directory Services page, also do the following manual step to ensure that the server is fully removed from Directory Agent settings:

  • Software deployments: Delete all files in the Websense/Web Security/bin/snapshots directory. Then go to Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Scheduling, and click Send under Send Update Now.
  • Appliance deployments: Contact Technical Support for assistance.

To refine the way that Directory Agent searches the directory and packages results for the hybrid service, click an IP address or hostname in the table. See Configure how data is gathered for the hybrid service.

To view the global catalog directory contexts defined for identifying hybrid users, click View Context under Contexts in the table. See Adding and editing directorycontexts for the hybrid service.

To have the hybrid service generate passwords for all user accounts that it sees, scroll down to the Generate User Passwords section and mark Automatically generate and email passwords.

In order for Directory Agent data to be sent to the hybrid service:


  1. Scroll to the Synchronize User Data section.
  2. Verify the Name or IP address of the Sync Service machine and the Port used for Sync Service communication (by default, 55832).
    In most configurations, these fields are populated automatically, but can be updated manually, if needed.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify that Directory Agent can send data to Sync Service. The test may take a minute or more.
    • If the connection is made, a success message is displayed.
    • If the connection cannot be made, verify the IP address or hostname of the Sync Service machine and the communication port. Also verify that the Sync Service machine is on, that Sync Service is running, and that your network firewall permits connections on the Sync Service port.
  4. When you are finished, click OK to cache your changes. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.