Reviewing scheduled presentation reports
Use the Presentation ReportsReview Reports page to find, access, and delete scheduled reports. By default, reports are listed from oldest to newest.
To view any report in the list, click the report name.
- If the report is a single PDF or XLS file, you may be given the option to save or open the report. This depends on your browser security settings and the plug-ins installed on your machine.
- If the report is very large, it may have been saved as multiple PDF or XLS files and stored in a ZIP file. The file is compressed using ZIP format regardless of whether the report was created on a Windows or Linux machine. Save the ZIP file, then extract the PDF or XLS files it contains to view the report content.
- Hover the mouse pointer over the report icon next to the report name to see if the report is one or multiple files.
To limit the list to reports that will be deleted soon, mark the Show only reports due to be purged check box. The length of time that reports are stored is configured on the
page (see Configuring reporting preferences).To search the report list, first select an entry from the Filter by drop-down list, and then enter all or part of a name or date. You can search by:
- The report or job name
- The name of the administrator that scheduled the report (Requestor)
- The date the report was created (Creation Date)
- The date the report is due to be deleted (Purge Date)
Enter your search term, and then click Go. The search is case-sensitive.
Click Clear to remove the current search term, and then either perform a different search or click Refresh to display the complete list of reports.
If a recently completed report does not appear on the Review Reports page, you can also click Refresh to update the page with the latest data.
To delete a report, click the X to the right of the report file size.
To see the status of a scheduled report job, click Job Queue at the top of the page. See Viewing the presentation reports scheduled jobs list, for more information about using the job queue.
To schedule a new report job, click Scheduler (see Scheduling presentation reports).