Prepare TRITON AP-EMAIL for upgrade

Several issues should be considered before you begin the TRITON AP-EMAIL upgrade.

  • Verify current deployment. Ensure that your current deployment is functioning properly before you begin the upgrade. The upgrade process does not repair a non-functioning system.
  • Verify the system requirements for the version to which you are upgrading to ensure your network can accommodate the new features and functions. See System requirements for this version for a detailed description.
  • Prepare Windows components. See All Forcepoint TRITON solutions for an explanation of general preparations for upgrading the Windows components in your email protection system.
  • Ensure that your firewall is configured correctly so that the ports needed for proper email protection operation are open. See TRITON AP-EMAIL ports for information about all email protection system default ports, including appliance interface designations and communication direction.
  • The upgrade to version 8.5 renames the following default policy rules:

    • ThreatScope is renamed File Sandbox.
    • URL Scanning is renamed URL Analysis.

    If you currently have custom rules with these new names, you should change them before the upgrade process begins, to avoid having duplicate rule names after the upgrade.

  • The upgrade to version 8.5 adds a default Spoofed Email policy filter, a Spoof policy action, and an Antispoof policy rule. If you currently have policy elements with these names, you should change them before the upgrade process begins, to avoid having duplicate names after the upgrade.
  • New presentation reports are added in version 8.5 for spoofed email and URL analysis data. Examples include:

    Outbound Spoofed Email Percentage Summary

    Top Inbound Spoofed Email Sender Domains

    Top Inbound Recipients of Spoofed Email

    Top Outbound Embedded URL Categories Detected

    Outbound Embedded URL Detection Volume Summary

    The upgrade process may not be successfully completed if you have existing custom reports with the same names as the new version 8.5 reports.

  • Back up and remove tomcat log files and remove temporary manager files (optional; recommended to facilitate timely TRITON console upgrade). Use the following steps:

    1. Log onto the Windows server where the TRITON manager resides.
    2. Navigate to the following directory:C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\Email Security\ESG Manager\tomcat\logs
    3. Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\Email Security\ESG Manager\tomcat\logs to another location (for example, to C:\WebsenseBackup\Email), and then delete it in the directory mentioned in step 2.
    4. Navigate to the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\Email Security\ESG Manager\tomcat\tempEsgUploadFileTemp
    5. Delete all the downloadFile* files.