Setting the STP priority on an X10G blade

Blades running v8.1.0 and higher
  1. Log on to the blade’s CLI and enter config mode.
  2. Use show vswitch priority to see the current STP priority setting.
  3. Use set vswitch <priority_value> to set the STP priority value. Specify an integer in the range 4096-61440.

Blades running v8.0.x and lower

With the assistance of Technical Support, acquire access to the blade’s base operating system.

Edit the network bridge interface network script:


The STP priority value is specified in hexadecimal.

In version 7.8.4 the default STP priority value is 32768 (0x8000).

In version 8.0.0, the default value is 61400 (0xF000). Make sure the upstream switch has a lower priority number than this value.

Some examples of valid STP priorities that are lower than 32768 include:
0xA000 = 40960
0xE000 = 57344
0xF000 = 61440
The value to change is in bold face in the configuration file example below.
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ovsbr0
OVS_EXTRA="set Bridge $DEVICE stp_enable=true -- set Bridge
$DEVICE other_config:stp-priority=0xA000"