Troubleshooting for import and export policies

This section lists the information for troubleshooting of import and export policies.

  • Export archive location: %DSS_HOME%tomcat\wbsnData\policiesExport.
  • Name of the archive file: policies_export_<policy_type>_<date time in format ddMMyyyy_HHmmss>.zip.


  • File name inside the archive file: <policy name>.json.
  • Metadata file name inside archive: policy_names_metadata.txt.

    The Metadata file contains all extracted policy names with a new line "\n" delimiter.

  • Name of latest export report: policies_report_<run type><policy type><date time in format ddMMyyyy_HHmmss>.csv.

    Example: policies_report_EXPORT_DLP_31082022_124150.csv

  • Headers of export report: Policy name, Status, and Error message.
  • Import archive location: %DSS_HOME%tomcat\wbsnData\policiesImport

    The system will create a new folder inside this location for each new imported file.

  • Name of latest import report: policies_report_<run type><policy type><date time in format ddMMyyyy_HHmmss>.csv

    Example: policies_report_IMPORT_DLP_11122022_171000.csv

  • Headers of import report: Policy name, Status, and Error message.