Machine learning details

For machine learning classifiers, the Active Classifier section of the details pane shows the following information:

Statistic Description
Accuracy Expected rate of unintended and undetected matches (false positives and false negatives).
Last successful scan time The time and date of the last successful scan
All documents folder Path to the all documents folder
Positive examples folder Path to the positive examples folder
Negative examples folder Path to the negative examples folder

How sensitive the classifier is when detecting matches—in other words, how closely content has to match the positive examples to be considered an incident.

  • Wide is highly sensitive and errs on the restrictive side. To avoid leaking sensitive data, it is more likely to produce a false positive (unintended match) than a false negative (content that is not detected).
  • Default balances the number of false positives and false negatives.
  • Narrow is the least restrictive. It is more likely to let content through than to produce an unintended match.

Click the link to adjust the sensitivity level. Your choice depends on how important it is to prevent sensitive data loss.

Ignore inconsistent examples

Indicates whether to ignore documents that do not appear to belong to the positive examples folder or to use them as positive examples anyway.

To view a list of inconsistent example documents, download the Machine Learning report.

To keep the machine learning classifier up to date, periodically rescan the examples folders. The Current Scan Statistics section of the details pane shows information

about the latest scan. If the scan succeeds, it becomes the active classifier. If it fails, the Active Classifier and Current Scan Statistics are different.

Statistic Description
Run time The time and date that the machine learning process last ran

The status of the current content scan. See Machine learning current scan status options section for an explanation of each status option.

The status shown in the details pane may be different from the status shown in the Status column of the table if you click Refresh in one area but not the other.

All documents folder Path to the all documents folder
All my documents Number of documents in the all documents folder
Positive examples folder Path to the positive examples folder
Positive examples Number of documents in the positive examples folder
Negative examples folder Path to the negative examples folder
Negative examples Number of documents in the negative examples folder
Total scanned files Total number of documents that were scanned
Accuracy Expected rate of unintended and undetected matches (false positives and false negatives).