File System Discovery Task Wizard - File Filtering

Use the File Filtering page of the file system discovery task wizard to use file type, file age, file size, or a combination of properties to determine which files are scanned.


  1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type, then list the types of files to be scanned, separated by semicolons.
    • Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt; *.pdf”, or “*temp*.*”
    • To scan all files, set Include file types to *.
    • Click File Types to select the file types to include by extension. Add or edit file types, as needed.
  2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by semicolons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
  3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio buttons to select a time period:
    • Select Within to search only for files modified within a certain period, then indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
    • Select More than to search only for files modified more than a certain number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
    • Select From...To to search for files modified between 2 dates, then specify the dates.
  4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the following options:
    • Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner.
    • Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner.
  5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports.