File System Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned Folders

Use the Scanned Folders page of the file system discovery task wizard to select folders for scanning.

Note: Network discovery has a limit of 255 characters for the path and file name. Files contained in paths that have more than 255 characters are not scanned.


  1. Under Scanned folders:
    • Select Administrative shares to scan administrative share drives (sometimes known as hidden shares) such as C$ and D$.
    • Select Shared folders to scan shared folders such as PublicDocs.
    • Select Specific folders to scan one or more specified folders, then enter one or more folder names. Use semicolons to separate multiple entries.

    Individual paths cannot exceed 256 characters including hostname or IP.

  2. Select the port scanning Method to use when scanning network shares:
    • Select TCP to scan the share drives using transmission control protocol.
    • Select ICMP to scan the share drives using Internet control message protocol.

    ICMP is faster than TCP, but may trigger firewall alerts. (Scanning for open shares using ICMP is similar to virus activity.)

    To use ICMP, configure your firewall to ignore the specific server running the crawler.

  3. Enter the User name and Password for an account with network access to the specified computer or shares. For domain accounts, also enter the Domain (optional).
    Warning: These credentials aren’t verified until the scan starts. Be careful to enter a valid user name and password.
  4. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.