General tab

Use the General tab of the Report Catalog > Edit Report page to configure basic report information, like the name, description, and number of items shown.

Note: For predefined trend reports, only the Show top field is configurable. All fields can be edited for custom trend reports.
Field Description
Name A unique name for the report.
Description A description to help administrators understand the purpose of the report.

Which administrators can access the report:

  • Only the Report owner
  • All administrators with access to the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager Forcepoint DLP

Which administrators can access the report:

  • Only the Report owner
  • All administrators with access to the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager Forcepoint DLP
Show top (Summary reports only) The number of items to display in the Top Items charts for this report (between 1 and 20). For example, display the top 5 policies in the Top Policies chart.

For custom trend reports, also specify the time period to cover. Select:

  • Last to display trends for the last few days, then select the exact number of days.
  • Time period to display trends for a set period, like “last month” or “current quarter,” then select the period from the drop-down list.
  • Exact dates to display trends for a precise period, then select the From and To dates and times.