Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Fingerprinting Type

Use the Fingerprinting Type page of the database fingerprinting wizard to determine how scans are performed.

  • Select Full fingerprinting to perform a full scan every time the data is fingerprinted. (This could be a scheduled or on-demand fingerprinting task.)
    • The entire selected table is fingerprinted.
    • These settings are changed on deploy. Whenever such a setting changes, both the changed repository and the primary repository become un-synchronized.
  • Select Differential fingerprinting to scan only records that were added incrementally since the last scan.

    This option is much quicker.

    1. Use the Field by which to compare scans drop-down list to select the field to use for record comparisons. The crawler retrieves the rows in which the selected field is larger than the previously fingerprinted values. If there are no such rows, the crawler does not initiate a fingerprinting task.
    2. Mark Full scan every... to periodically run a full scan. Because previously fingerprinted rows can change, it is a best practice to run a full scan periodically.
    When you are finished, click Next to continue. See:
    • (New classifiers only) Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Export section
    • Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish section.