Adding a file-size classifier

Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File Properties > File Type by Name Properties page to add file-type classifiers.

To access this page from the Content Classifiers > File Properties page, make sure the By Size tab is selected, then select New from the toolbar at the top of the content pane.


  1. Enter a Name for this group of files, such as “Medium Files” or “Large Files”.
  2. Enter a Description for these files.
  3. Use the File size options to define the size of the files.
    • Select At least if the file is always over a certain size, then specify the minimum size in KB.
    • Select Between if the file is between 2 sizes, then specify the sizes in KB.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: Some Forcepoint components do not analyze files larger than certain threshold, for stability concerns. For discovery, endpoint removable media, and endpoint LAN control, the system performs file-size, file-name, and binary-fingerprint checks for files of unlimited sizes.