Defining load balancing distribution

Double-click a service to configure which policy engine should analyze it.

The page shows:

  • The name of the service
  • The host responsible for the service:
    • Forcepoint DLP Server
    • Protector
    • Crawler
    • ICAP Server
    • Content Gateway
    • Cloud Email
    • Integration agent

To make configuration changes:

  1. Under Analyzed by:
    • Select All available policy engines to open analysis for the selected service to all available policy engines. The policy engine on the protector is available for the protector only.
    • Select Selected policy engines to specify one or more policy engine instances to perform analysis for this service.
      Note: You cannot balance the load with the management server.
  2. Select Apply these settings to all of this agent’s services to apply these settings to all of the selected agent’s services without having to configure each manually.