Adding Forcepoint DLP system modules

To add a new module to an existing Forcepoint DLP deployment, run the Forcepoint Security Installer on a supported machine. (See the Forcepoint DLP Installation Guide for instructions.)

The installation wizard prompts for the FQDN or IP address of the management server and the credentials for a Forcepoint DLP administrator with system modules permissions. This information allows the module to register with the management server automatically.

  • To accept the default configuration, log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager after the installation is complete, then click Deploy in the Data Security module.
  • To create a custom configuration, log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager and navigate to the Data > Settings > Deployment > System Modules pages, then click the module to edit. Follow the instructions in Configuring Forcepoint DLP system modules.

    This requires system modules permissions. (See Adding a new role for information on permissions.)

When 2 standalone agents are installed on the same machine, the system registers each one independently, and they appear in the System Modules tree as 2 separate nodes.

If the IP address or hostname (FQDN) of a module changes after registration, it must be re-registered to notify the management server of the change.

If both the IP address and the hostname of a module change, re-register it twice, once after each change. If you wait until both changes have been made before re- registering, the management server thinks the module is brand new, and does not retain the module’s configuration information (minimum/maximum transaction size, monitoring mode, and so on).