Balancing the load

A Forcepoint DLP deployment may include several policy engines. There is one on each Forcepoint DLP server, one on the protector, and one on the Content Gateway host (if applicable).

Policy engines are responsible for analyzing the data flowing through the network, comparing it to policies, and performing the remediation action, if any.

At times, a policy engine can become overloaded. The System Health page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager can provide information about the impact that traffic is having on performance.


  1. Go to the Main > Status > System Health page.
  2. Expand the relevant system module and select its policy engine.
  3. Review the number of transactions being analyzed and the policy engine latency see Monitoring system health).

Next steps

To distribute the processing load between more evenly:

  1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page.
  2. Click Load Balancing in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.

    The resulting screen names all the modules, lists all the services being analyzed, and the policy engine doing the work. Click the plus (+) signs to expand the tree and view all available information.

  3. To change the configuration, placing the load on different policy engines, click one or more of the services. See Defining load balancing distribution.
    Note: As a best practice, do not distribute the load to the management server.