Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler

Use the Scheduler page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to determine how often the discovery task is run.


  1. Use the Run scan option to select how often you want to run the scan process: daily or weekly.
  2. Specify the hours in which you want to run the scan (for example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak business hours.

    Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.

  3. Select Scan only while computer is idle to perform the discovery scan only on idle computers. This is desirable, because endpoint scanning consumes resources and can slow performance.

    For Windows endpoints, idle time is derived from the operating system. For Linux endpoints, the idle time is 10 minutes.

  4. Select Pause scanning while computer is running on batteries to avoid running discovery if the endpoint machine switches to battery mode.
  5. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.