Fingerprinting details

For fingerprinting classifiers, the details pane shows the following Scan details:

Statistic Description
Last run time The time and date of the last scan
Next run time The next scheduled scan time
Last scheduled time The last time a scan was scheduled
Status The status of the scan. If the scan completed with errors, click the link to learn more details.
Schedule Whether the schedule is enabled or disabled
Scan frequency How often the scan is run

Statistics are also displayed for fingerprinted and committed data. (After a file is fingerprinted, it is inserted in the fingerprint repository, then committed to be used as

part of the classifier. Commit is done after stop, pause, each 2500 files, and the end of a run.)

Statistic Description
Fingerprinted files/records

The total number of analyzed items. Click the link to view a list of all the files that were fingerprinted, along with details such as fingerprint date, status, and version; folder and file name; and file size. (File version refers to the number of times a file has been fingerprinted. The first time a file is fingerprinted, the fingerprint is version 1. The second time, it is version 2, and so on.)

To delete a fingerprint, select the file and click Delete on the toolbar.

Fingerprint size The total size of analyzed items
Endpoint package size The size of the endpoint package
Used space on endpoint The total amount of disk space used on the endpoint

In addition, statistics are displayed for the most recently run scan, or the scan in progress (if any).

Statistic Description
Scanned files The total number of items detected in the last scan
Scanned size The size of items detected in the scan, all totaled. (Does not apply to database scans.)
Scan/fingerprinting progress The progress of the scan, in percentage completed
Fingerprinted files/records The number of items sent to the policy engine’s fingerprint repository
Failed files The number of files that could not be fingerprinted for some reason—such as access to the folder was denied or the file was not found. Click the link to see why fingerprinting failed for these files.
Filtered-out files

The files that were not included in the scan because of the file filters you specified when you defined the task. (These files that were ignored by the crawler because they matched a filter.)

Click the link to see the precise file type, age, or size filter that was matched.

Estimated total files/ records An estimate of the total number of items
Estimated total size An estimate of the total size of items