Buttons and controls

For all discovery tasks:

  • Click New to create a discovery task.
  • Click Delete to delete the selected discovery task.

For a network discovery task, click Edit to update the active discovery task. If the changes require deployment, the task status changes to “Stopped (deployment needed).” When the task is restarted, it starts from the beginning.

For a cloud discovery scan, clicking Reset Scan forces a discovery scan cache reset. All files at rest are queued and processed for scanning with the latest policy configuration, including any files that were previously scanned.

Important: Using the Reset Scan button can significantly affect file processing time. Use this action only when significant changes are made to policies or when testing policies with a small data set. Avoid using this button after deployments when possible.
Note: If the crawler is unresponsive for any reason, delete the task manually, as prompted (see Manually deleting discovery tasks).

In addition, network discovery tasks have scan controls and other options. These are similar to the fingerprinting scan controls.

Button Icon Description
Start Starts a discovery scan.
Stop Stops a discovery scan. When restarted, task starts from the beginning.
Pause Pauses a discovery scan. When restarted, task starts from the last point it was paused.
Download Downloads a detailed report on discovery scanning activities in CSV format.