Upgrading K3s - AirGap (Manual Approach)
- Run this patch to add
to the apiGroup of the ClusterRoletraefik-kube-system
kubectl patch clusterrole traefik-kube-system -n kube-system --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/-1/apiGroups/-", "value": "traefik.io"}]'
- Add the missing CRDs
kubectl apply -f https://assets.master.k3s.getvisibility.com/k3s/v1.26.10+k3s1/traefik-patch.yaml
- Restart traefik deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment traefik -n kube-system
If you are unable to access the Keycloak or the Product UI then it might be a cache issue. Try the Private window of the browser you are using.
Reference: https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/issues/8755#issuecomment-1789526830
By default, certificates in K3s expire in 12 months. If the certificates are expired or have fewer than 90 days remaining before they expire, the certificates are rotated when K3s is restarted.