Getting startedForcepoint Data Security Posture Management (Forcepoint DSPM) allows organizations to locate and classify sensitive data across data stores, assess the risks associated with this data’s exposure based on its sensitivity, and implement access controls to the data.
Key componentsForcepoint DSPM has the following features:
Sizing Server sizing indicates the utilization of Forcepoint DSPM.
Estimate hardware capacity needsA VM or server with the following specifications:
Pattern matching The pattern matching functionality allows users to identify particular pieces of information in a document. This is implemented by using Regular Expressions (RegEx) that will try match content.
Data Controls Data Controls enable organizations to apply security and compliance conditions on the data assets in their systems and apply actions on those rules when they are identified.
AnalyticsDetailed description on dashboard widgets.
DetectorsDetector are features that allow users to set up alerts for certain parameters during a classification search. A user can set up a Detector to search for keywords within the entire contents of a document or file and search for keyword hits within the file's pathname.
Security Posture Policies Security Posture Policies is a critical element of data governance within an organization. It involves creating a detailed representation of the data assets managed by different departments or business units.
GQL Quick Guide Basic information on the Getvisibility Query Language.
WebhooksHow to configure a Webhook.
AI Mesh OverviewForcepoint offers cybersecurity AI products, specifically aimed at Forcepoint DSPM. In a broader sense, we also provide solutions for Data Governance. Our flagship product, Forcepoint DSPM, is a sophisticated file classification pipeline.
Keycloak configuration Describes how to complete the Keycloak installation setup.
Single Sign-on (SSO) The platform supports a wide range of Single Sign-On (SSO) protocols and providers, enabling seamless authentication across various services and applications. Here are the primary SSO protocols and some of the identity providers that Keycloak can integrate with:
Enable 2FATwo-factor authentication (2FA) enhances security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before they are granted access. This method adds a layer of protection to the standard username and password method, making it significantly more challenging for potential intruders to gain unauthorized access.
Keycloak User Federation using LDAP over SSLTo configure it, we need to use gv-essentials from gv-essentials: 4.5.51 as the minimum version, with Keycloak settings enabled as shown below.
Configuring Taxonomies & LabelsHow to define a custom taxonomy.
GQLGQL (Getvisibility Query Language) is a query language designed to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of querying data through the Forcepoint DSPM platform. It enables users to craft custom queries without the need for hard coding, significantly simplifying the process of filtering through and analyzing data.
Template Language Template Language (GTL) allows using variables, functions and conditions in any report text input fields and compiles those expressions into resulting values.
Scanning Scanning process and statuses
Enterprise Search columns meaning This guide will explain the features available from the files Explore page on the Forcepoint DSPM platform.
Supported file typesForcepoint DSPM can scan the following file types: