
  1. When inbound email is quarantined because it contains a virus, users receive a notification by default. The user may call the helpdesk to find out the contents of the email. It is unlikely that a virus-infected message contains useful information and therefore you may not achieve anything by enabling notifications. Users subscribing to a personal message report are made aware of email that is quarantined because it contained a virus. Note that notifications on quarantining inbound email may be required for content filtering rules.
  2. By default, notifications are sent to the sender when Forcepoint Email Security Cloud receives a virus-infected outbound email. This ensures that the user knows they have been infected with a virus. You may want to inform users of this:
    Example text The Antivirus service informs you by email notification if you send an email that contains a virus. If you receive such a notification, you should immediately contact the helpdesk. You are not notified if an email sent to you contains a virus. This is because most virus-infected email is not purposely sent, so it is unlikely that there is any useful content in it.

    If you want an IT staff member to be notified as well, you can configure the service to notify an administrator.

  3. By default, the service blocks executable file attachments. You should inform end users of this:
    Example text To minimize the possibility of an unknown virus infecting your computer, Forcepoint Email Security Cloud has been configured to block executable file attachments. If you must receive such attachments, please contact the helpdesk.