Configure General settings

Use the Web > Settings > General page to access information about how traffic is routed for your account.

By default, end user web traffic is routed to the nearest cloud point of presence (data center or local PoP) based on the egress IP address of your Domain Name Server (DNS). If your DNS is in a different geographic location from some or all of your end users, this may mean that traffic is not routed to the nearest point of presence to those users. To route your web traffic to points of presence based on the location of the end user, rather than your DNS, mark Route traffic based on end users’ egress IP.

The General page also includes the following reference information:

  • The proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file defines how web browsers choose an appropriate proxy for fetching a given URL or whether it should be fetched directly from the server of origin. For more information, see Proxy auto-configuration (PAC).
  • The proxy query page enables you to determine if a browser is correctly configured. For more information, see Proxy query page.
  • The web monitoring tool allows you to check web connectivity and speed. For more information, see Web performance monitor.
  • The roaming home page is designed for remote users, enabling them to connect to the Internet via the cloud service from any location. For more information, see Roaming home page.