Configure block and notification pages

Use the Web > Policy Management > Block & Notification Pages page to view or edit block page text and notification messages for your account.

When a cloud policy denies access to a resource or needs to inform the user of an event, it can serve any configured notification page. There is a standard set of pages included with your web product, and you can either modify these to suit your needs, or add your own pages. You can then refer to the notification pages from any of your policies.

The pages are grouped for ease of navigation. Click a down arrow next to a group name to see a list of all the pages within that group. To see all available pages, click All.


General notification pages that you create are listed under Custom. Custom AUP pages are listed under Acceptable Use Policy (a limited-availability feature that may not be enabled for your account).

To delete a custom page, click the delete icon next to the page name. The delete icon is displayed only if the custom page is not used in any policies.

Click the name of a page to edit its contents.

To create a new notification page:


  1. Click New Page for a new notification page or New AUP Page for a new Acceptable Use Policy page.
  2. Enter a Name for the new page.
  3. Enter a short Description of the page. This appears under the page name in the Block & Notification Pages list, and should clearly identify the purpose of the page to any administrator.
  4. Click Save.
    The Page Details page is displayed, with the name and description at the top. You can now edit the page as required.

Next steps

For information about editing the content of a new or existing notification page, see Editing notification pages.

For additional information about AUP pages, see Acceptable use policy.