View recent directory synchronizations

  1. Select Account > Identity Management.

    The Recent Directory Synchronizations section shows your recent synchronization history.

    Column Heading Description
    Date The date and time that the synchronization was performed in coordinated universal time (UTC). Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

    An indication of whether the synchronization completed or failed. Possible HTTP response codes include:

    • 200 OK - Completed successfully.
    • >400 - Synchronization failed
      • 403 Error text - The client synchronization failed for reasons given in the error text. For example:
      • 403 Groups contain circular references
      • 403 Transaction failed
      • 403 Attempt to overwrite cloud-managed group.
      • 403 Email address exists in another account
    • 503 Service Unavailable.
    Type The type of record that was synchronized: Users, Groups, Addresses, or Test. Test indicates that the client connected to the cloud service to verify its settings, but did not synchronize.
    Additions The number of new records added during the synchronization. If the synchronization is not yet complete, “In progress” is displayed.
    Deletions The number of records deleted during the synchronization.
  2. Click the timestamp in the date column to view details about a specific synchronization.

    In the resulting screen, you can see the time that the connection started and ended in the local time zone of the client machine. (This lets you see how long the synchronization took). You can view the IP address of the source connection, the username of the client initiating the synchronization, and the number of records amended, added, or deleted. You can also see reporting and logging information.