Troubleshoot synchronization failures

Should a synchronization fail to complete, a record is saved by the cloud service along with your details, date/time stamps, and an error message. You can access this information by selecting Account > Identity Management. See View recent directory synchronizations for more information. You can also view it in the Synchronization History log, available under Account > Reports > Services.

In the status column, any response code greater than 400 indicates a failed synchronization.

HTTP Response Code Explanation Recommended Action
403 Groups contain circular references An attempt has been made to synchronize a hierarchy of groups that contain one or more circular references. For example, GroupA is a member of GroupB, but GroupB is a member of GroupA. The list of groups forming the cycle are listed in the response code. Check these groups and fix the memberships to break the cycle.
403 Transaction failed Further explanation is added to the response code to explain the problem. This is usually due to some uniqueness constraint failing--for example, if 2 users have the same email address or LDAP domain name. Resolve the issue detailed in the full response code.
403 Attempt to overwrite portal managed group. An attempt has been made to synchronize a group with the same name as a cloud-managed group, and the Overwrite Portal Groups option is off. On the Identity Management screen, check the Overwrite Groups box to allow overwriting, or rename the duplicate groups to remove the conflict.
403 Email address exists in another account An email address in the LDAP directory already exists in another account. Remove this email user from your directory if it is your error. If it is a valid address that you own, contact Customer Services to have the address removed from the other account.
503 Service unavailable.
  • The cloud service is heavily loaded, so a synchronization is not currently possible.
  • Synchronization is not enabled on the account
  • Your account has exceeded its daily synchronization limit
  • No action. The client automatically re-tries later.
  • Enable synchronization by selecting Account > Identity Management > Edit > Enabled.
  • Retry tomorrow (or when next scheduled).

Partially transmitted and temporarily stored data remains in the cloud service for a few days as a possible debugging aid. This data is not used when you try to synchronize again.