Generating device certificates

The portal includes a feature that allows you to generate a certificate for your device, using the private key and passphrase for the certificate authority. Once generated, you can download the certificate and add it to your device.

Note: If you do not have access to this feature, contact Technical Support.

To generate certificates from the Device Management page:


  1. Use the check boxes in the Device Management table to select one or more edge devices.
  2. Click the Generate Certificate button () in the toolbar above the table. This button is disabled when no CA has been defined for the selected device.
  3. In the Generate Device Certificate dialog box, click Browse to navigate to the Private key for the certificate authority.
    The private key file has a name like “cakey.pem” or “privkey.key.” It is either provided with a purchased CA or generated with your organization’s self-signed CA.
  4. Enter the private key Passphrase.
    Important: For security reasons, private key data is not saved after the certificate is generated. As a result, you must enter the key and passphrase each time you generate a device certificate for this CA.
  5. Indicate whether or not to Specify the password for the device certificate or certificates.
    If you select this option, enter and confirm the certificate password.
  6. Click Generate.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions for downloading the certificates.