Setting the schedule

Define a reporting job to occur once or on a repeating cycle on the Scheduling Options tab of the Add Job or Edit Job page.


  1. Select a Frequency for the job. The specific options available depend on the frequency selected.
    Frequency Options
    Once No additional recurrence options are available.
    Daily Select whether the job is run every weekday, or on a certain number of days in the month – for example every 3 days.
    Weekly Click each day of the week the job is to run.


    Select how frequently the job should run, in a range of every month to every 12 months, then click each date the job is to run.


    Select how frequently the job should run, in a range of every month to every 12 months, then select a frequency and a day of the week. For example, you could run the report every 2 months on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

  2. Under Starting, set the start date for running the job.
  3. Under Ending, select an option for ending the job.
    Option Description

    The job continues to run according to the established schedule, indefinitely.

    To discontinue the job at some time in the future, either edit or delete the job.

    On Set the date when the job stops running. It does not run on or after this date.
    After Select the number of times to run the job. After that number of occurrences, the job does not run again, but it stays in the Job Queue until you delete it.
  4. Select a Timezone for the report. The reports in the scheduled job will be delivered by 6am in the selected time zone on the days you define.
  5. Click Next to open the Recipients tab.