Bandwidth Dashboard

Use the Bandwidth tab of the dashboard to see how bandwidth is being used in your organization. The summary statistic displays the total amount of bandwidth used in the time period that you specify.

The following charts are displayed:

  • Overall Bandwidth Usage shows a trend chart of the bandwidth used during the selected time period.
  • Top Categories by Bandwidth shows a trend chart of the categories that used the most bandwidth during the selected time period. Click a category definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
  • Top Connection IPs by Bandwidth displays a trend chart of the connection IP addresses that used the most bandwidth during the selected time period. Click an IP address at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
  • Top Groups by Bandwidth shows the groups who have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users within that group who have used the most bandwidth.
  • Top Sites by Bandwidth displays the domains that have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the top 20 users who have accessed that domain.
  • Top Users by Bandwidth shows the users who have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the domains accessed by that user that have used the most bandwidth.