Configuring policy connections

When the page re-displays, click Connections and use the options on that page to identify the traffic originating from your organization that should be managed by the policy that you are creating.

Each connection added to Proxied Connections is a public-facing IP address, range, or subnet for the gateway through which users’ traffic reaches the Internet.

To get started, click Add under Proxied Connections, then:


  1. Enter a unique Name and Description for the connection.
  2. Select a connection Type: IP address, IP address range, or subnet.
  3. Enter the connection definition for the type that you selected.
  4. Optionally, select a Time zone for this connection. If no time zone is selected, the time zone defined for the policy as a whole is used.
  5. Click Continue to save your change and return to the Connections tab.

Next steps

Repeat this process for each connection that you want to define for this policy.