Configure advanced settings (if needed)


  1. If you need to update the appliance password, mark Change appliance password, then enter and confirm the new password.
  2. If your network uses virtual LANs (VLANs), next to VLAN traffic tagging, indicate whether to Analyze untagged traffic only (default), Analyze tagged traffic only, or Analyze all traffic (tagged and untagged).
  3. If you have elected to analyze tagged traffic, indicate whether to Bypass analysis for specific VLAN tags.

    If you select the bypass option, enter trusted tag numbers in the entry field (one entry per row).

    For information about tagging traffic explicitly generated by this device using the appliance user interface, see the topic “Routing” in the appliance Help.

  4. To specify HTTP ports other than the default (80), enter comma-separated port numbers.
  5. To specify HTTPS ports other than the default (443), enter comma-separated port numbers.
  6. Specify how the cloud service handles requests for IPv6 destinations (allow or block). Traffic to IPv6 destinations that is allowed (default setting) is not filtered or logged.