Performing a synchronization update

Before you begin

To launch the synchronization process:


  1. Open the Directory Synchronization Client.
  2. Select View > Configuration .
  3. Select your Configuration, then click Update.
  4. The Directory Synchronization Client compares the details held in your local change tracking database and only sends additions and removals. The incremental update is very efficient, and preserves any unchanged data held by the service.
    To abort the synchronization, click Stop.

Next steps

While the client is querying your LDAP servers, the portal shows a status of “In progress.” Once the extraction is complete and processed, the data is synchronized to the cloud service and the portal status is updated to show the number of amended records.

Once the update is complete, you can click on the Mail , Groups, and Users tabs to view the results. Click on a title bar to sort the list by that field.

To return to the configuration summary, click Summary.