Delegated Administrator
The topics covered in lessons 1-2 and 4-9 require policy permissions. Not all administrators with policy permissions can create exceptions (covered in lesson 9).
The topics covered in lessons 10-13 require reporting permissions. Not all administrators with reporting permissions can access dashboard charts, presentation reports, or Real-Time Monitor (covered in lessons 10, 11, and 13).
- Use the Navigation Tips section to become familiar with the Security Manager and its Web Security module. This section shows you how to configure policies and reporting, and identify
methods of obtaining assistance, when needed.
- Lesson 1: Using the Forcepoint Security Manager
- Lesson 2: Accessing Help
- Use the Policy Management section to learn to create and modify Internet access policies, and apply them to clients. The final lesson in this section explains how to create exceptions
that permit or block listed URLs for specified clients.
- Lesson 4: The Default policy
- Lesson 5: Working with clients
- Lesson 6: Using the sample policies
- Lesson 7: Managing URLs by category
- Lesson 8: Creating custom policies
- Lesson 9: Managing URLs with exceptions
- Use the Reporting section to understand the reporting tools that your permissions allow you to access.
- Lesson 10: Dashboard reports
- Lesson 11: Presentation Reports
- Lesson 12: Investigative Reports
- Lesson 13: Real-Time Monitor
At the end of the tutorial, Where Do I Go Next?, provides pointers to additional topics and resources, including the Knowledge Base and online video tutorials.
To find this tutorial again later, click the Help button from any page in the Security Manager and expand the Getting Started option.