Enabling scheduled backups on Windows servers

Before you begin

On supported Windows servers, the scheduled task that the Backup Utility creates does not include user account information required by server security settings. This means that the backup file is not saved as expected.

To address this issue, manually update the scheduled task to add the required user account information as follows:


  1. Open the Windows Task Scheduler (Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler or Server Manager > Tools > Task Scheduler).
  2. Select Task Scheduler Library in the left navigation pane.
  3. Right-click the Websense Backup task and select Export.
  4. Save the XML file in a temporary directory, then open the file in a text or XML editor.
  5. Update the <Author> container with an account with local administrator permissions in the format DOMAIN\UserName. If the backup files will be saved to a remote drive, this must be a domain account, rather than a local account.


  6. Update the <UserId> container with an account with local administrator permissions in the format DOMAIN\UserName. If the backup files will be saved to a remote drive, this must be a domain account, rather than a local account.


  7. Verify that the correct path to the Backup Utility (wsbackup.exe) appears in the <Command> container.
  8. Verify that the correct destination directory appears in the <Arguments> container. Note that the directory path should have the following format:
    • Local storage:


    • Remote storage:


      For example:

      <Arguments>--backup --dir "C:\WbsnBackup"</Arguments>

      Note that there is no backslash at the end of the path.

  9. Save and close the file.
  10. In the Task Scheduler, right-click the existing Websense Backup task and select Delete.
  11. In the right navigation pane, select Import Task.
  12. Navigate to the XML file that you edited in the previous steps, select it, and then click Open.
  13. To verify that the changes took effect correctly, right-click the new Websense Backup task and select Run, then make sure that a backup file was created in the expected location.