HTML files to construct block pages

There are 2 primary HTML files used to construct block pages:

  • master.html constructs the header and top frame for the block page, and uses one of the following files to display appropriate options in the bottom frame
    File Name Contents
    blockFrame.html Text and button (Go Back option) for sites in blocked categories.

    Text and buttons for sites in categories to which the

    Confirm action is applied.


    Text and buttons for sites in categories to which the

    Quota action is applied.

    moreInfo.html Content for the page that appears when a user clicks the More information link on the block page.
    casbMoreInfo.html Content for the page that appears when a user clicks the More Information link on the cloud application block page.
  • block.html contains the text for the top frame of the block message, which explains that access is restricted, lists the requested site, and describes why the site is restricted.

In addition, several supporting files are used to supply the text content, styles, and button functionality used in block pages:

File Name Description
blockStyle.css Cascading style sheet containing most block page styles
master.css Cascading style sheet containing styles for block page popups (like the account override popup)
casbBlock.html Provides a cloud application block message along with the reason access is restricted, risk level, cloud application name, type, and URL.
popup.html When an embedded page is blocked, this file is used to display the full-sized block page popup.
block.inl Provides tools used in constructing the block frame of the block page
blockframe.inl Provides additional information for standard block pages
continueframe.inl Provides additional information for the block frame when users have a “Continue” option
quotaframe.inl Provides additional information for the block frame when users have a “Use Quota Time” option
base64.js JavaScript file used to support credential encryption when users have an “Account Override” option. This file should not be changed or removed.
master.js JavaScript file used in construction of a standard block page
security.js JavaScript file used in construction of a security block page
messagefile.txt Contains text strings used in block pages
Copyright.txt Copyright information for Forcepoint block pages
master.wml WML file with basic blocking information

The Web DLP module adds the file policyViolationDefaultPage.html, which provides block page content when Web DLP components block content from being posted or downloaded.