How do I configure partition rollover?

With web and email security solutions, partition rollover can occur automatically when partitions reach a specified size or (SQL Server Standard or Enterprise) date.

  • When partition rollover is based on size, all log records are inserted into the most recent active partition that satisfies the size rule. When the partition reaches the designated maximum size, a new partition is created.
  • When partition rollover is based on date, new partitions are created according to the established cycle. For example, if the rollover option is monthly, a new partition is created as soon as any records are received for the new month. Log records are inserted into the appropriate partition based on date.

Partition rollover can also be initiated manually.

For information about configuring automatic or manual rollover, see:

For Data solutions, partition rollover is configured on the Data > Settings > General > Archive Partitions page in the Forcepoint Security Manager. Here, you configure when to create an archive partition and when to restore it. For instructions, refer to “Archiving incident partitions” in the Forcepoint DLP Help.