eDirectory Agent has built-in diagnostic capabilities, but these are not activated by default. You can enable logging and debugging during installation, or at any other
Use the Windows Services tool or /opt/Websense/WebsenseDaemonControl command to stop eDirectory Agent.
Navigate to the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or / opt/Websense/bin/, by default) on the eDirectory
Agent machine.
Open the file wsedir.ini in a text editor.
Locate the [eDirAgent] section.
To enable logging and debugging, change the value of DebugMode to On:
To specify the log detail level, modify the following line:
N can be a value from 0-3, where 3 indicates the most detail.
Modify the LogFile line to specify the name of the log output file:
By default, log output is sent to the eDirectory Agent console. If you are running the agent in console mode (see Running eDirectory
Agent in console mode), you can keep the default value.
Save and close the wsedir.ini file.
Start eDirectory Agent.