2: Back up the catalog database and active partition (Web and Email)
- Stop all Web Log Server or Email Log Server instances in your deployment.
- Disable the web or email protection database jobs.
- In the left navigation pane, click the SQL Server Agent folder for the instance hosting the Log Database.
- Click Jobs, and disable each of the web or email protection jobs by right- clicking the job and selecting
The job names are in the format “Websense_xxx_<catalog database name>” where xxx is the type of job and <catalog database name> is the actual name of your catalog database (by default, wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).
- Perform a differential backup of the catalog database (wslogdb70 or esglogdb76). This will back up anything that has changed since the initial backup performed in Part 1 of this procedure.
- Perform a differential backup of the active database partition (the one that is still receiving new log records). Its name is something like wsglogdb70_10 or esglogdb76_5).