2: Back up the catalog database and active partition (Web and Email)


  1. Stop all Web Log Server or Email Log Server instances in your deployment.
  2. Disable the web or email protection database jobs.
    1. In the left navigation pane, click the SQL Server Agent folder for the instance hosting the Log Database.
    2. Click Jobs, and disable each of the web or email protection jobs by right- clicking the job and selecting Disable.

      The job names are in the format “Websense_xxx_<catalog database name>” where xxx is the type of job and <catalog database name> is the actual name of your catalog database (by default, wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).

    Make sure that all of the jobs are completed before continuing. This could take several minutes or a few hours, depending on the environment. If necessary, ask a database administrator for assistance in determining whether the jobs are completed.
  3. Perform a differential backup of the catalog database (wslogdb70 or esglogdb76). This will back up anything that has changed since the initial backup performed in Part 1 of this procedure.
  4. Perform a differential backup of the active database partition (the one that is still receiving new log records). Its name is something like wsglogdb70_10 or esglogdb76_5).