3a: Upgrade in place

If the machine hosting the database engine is adequate to host an upgraded version of SQL Server:


  1. Stop the Forcepoint DLP server. The Web and Email Log Servers are already stopped. Change the server startup type to Disabled.
  2. Upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server installation, following the instructions in the Microsoft documentation.

    During upgrade, select the collation that the wbsn-data- security database uses. The SQL Server collation must match the incident and reporting database collation exactly.

    To determine a database collation, use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click the server name and select Properties, then right-click the database name and do the same. The collation is listed in the Maintenance section.

  3. Once installation is complete, enable the Forcepoint SQL Server Agent jobs:
    1. In the left navigation pane, click the SQL Server Agent folder for the instance hosting the Log Database.
    2. Click Jobs, and enable each of the web or email protection jobs by right- clicking the job and selecting Enable.

      The job names are in the format “Websense_xxx_<catalog database name>” where xxx is the type of job and <catalog database name> is the actual name of your catalog database (by default, wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).

  4. Start all Web Log Server or Email Log Server instances in your deployment.
  5. Start the Forcepoint DLP server.

Next steps

Log Server resumes sending data to the Log Database, and the ETL job begins processing the web or email records into the active partition.