1: Perform a full database backup


  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and log on to the SQL Server instance that hosts the reporting databases.
  2. In the Object Explorer, under Databases, locate the databases. The default database names are:
    • For web solutions, wslogdb70_n and wslogdb70_amt_1 (partition databases) and wslogdb70 (the catalog database)
    • For email solutions, esglogdb76_n (partition databases) and esglogdb76 (the catalog database)
    • For data solutions, wbsn-data-security and wbsn-data-security-temp- archive
    In the web and email examples, “n” is the partition number. The higher the number, the newer the partition.
  3. Right-click each database, expand the Tasks menu, and select Back Up.
  4. Make sure the Backup type is Full.
  5. In the Back Up Database window, either accept the default backup Destination or click Add and specify a new path or name for the backup file.
    Save the file as *.BAK.
  6. Click OK to run the backup.

Next steps

At the end of this process, full backups have been made for all of the older partition databases, and there is a recent backup of the active partition (the one that new log records are being added to) and catalog database.

When timing is appropriate to temporarily stop database processing, continue with the next section.