Some data is missing from the Applications pages

  1. Traffic originating from unsupported browser applications or operating system platforms may not appear in application reports because the associated user agent strings are not recognized. In some cases, an unsupported browser or platform that is very closely related to a supported browser or platform may appear as if it were its supported cousin.

    Use the Search tab to view data related to browsers or platforms that do not appear on the Browser or Source Platform tabs.

  2. The application browsing data that Log Server receives includes the user agent header, user name, and source IP address. If Log Server is configured to perform data reduction tasks (like recording visits, or consolidating records), the appropriate algorithms are applied and the data is forwarded to the Log Database.

    See “Adjust database sizing settings” in the Configuring Log Server section of Administrator Help for information about visits and consolidation.

  3. If you have set the time period to Today, the trend charts do not show any data. This occurs because the smallest unit of time plotted on the trend chart is one day. Select a longer time period to populate the chart.
  4. When new instances of Policy Server or Log Server are installed, or if a Policy Broker mode is changed, it may take as much as 10-15 minutes for new cloud application data to be forwarded to the Log Database.