Forcepoint DLP

Before running the data upgrade wizard, the installer validates system requirements to ensure your upgrade will be successful.

The pre-upgrade check validates hardware requirements, credentials for your SQL management database, endpoint security certificates, manager configuration, administrator upgrade permissions, and your database structure. As it proceeds, it reports whether a step succeeded or failed, or it gives you a warning.

If there is a failure, the upgrade stops. For details, see \AP-DATA- PreUpgradeTests.log in the directory where you installed Forcepoint DLP.

If there are only warnings, you have the option to proceed with the upgrade or stop it. If you continue, your system may behave unexpectedly, but this will not have a critical impact.

If the pre-upgrade check succeeds or if you proceed with warnings, the Forcepoint DLP wizard is launched, followed by wizards for each installed component.

The Data Security upgrade wizard contains the following screens.

Wizard Screen Fields

Welcomes you to the installation and upgrade wizard.

The system checks the disk space on the machine. When prompted, click Next to launch the installation wizard.

Installation Confirmation Verify your system settings and click Install to continue the upgrade.

Shows the progress of the installation. The system stops processes, checks ports, copies new files, updates component registration, removes unused files, and more.

In certain circumstances, you may receive an internal SQL error. If you do, do not click OK until you have resolved the issue with Forcepoint Technical Support. If you continue prematurely, you can cause problems with your reporting database.


Summarizes your system settings when installation of this module is complete.

  1. Click Done and you are prompted to update your predefined policies and content classifiers.
  2. Click OK to install the updates. You’re shown the status of the updates, the items being updated, and details such as how many policies are updated, deleted, or added.
  3. Click Close when the updates are complete.