If you have not already upgraded the management server in the course of upgrading another component, use the following steps to upgrade the management server machine.
- Whenever possible, upgrade the management server before any other Data components. This ensures that policy engines continue to function until they are upgraded themselves.
policies cannot be deployed to the policy engines until they are upgraded to the same version as the management server.
- If you need to upgrade a policy engine before upgrading the management server— because the policy engine resides on a full policy source appliance—detection of fingerprinted
content might not work on the appliance until the management server is upgraded.
The policy engine embedded in Content Gateway and Email products continues to monitor the old Web
and Email DLP policies and block/permit accordingly.
Make sure that no administrators are logged on to the management console.
Log on to the installation machine with an account having domain and local administrator privileges.
Close all applications and stop any antivirus software.
Warning: Be sure to close the Windows Event Viewer, or the upgrade may fail.
Go to https://support.forcepoint.com/s/.
Click Downloads.
In Products, select Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
Select DLP Core.
On the list of installers, click Forcepoint Security Manager for DLP v10.3.
Note: For older version installers, click Click here, and then select the installer from the desired version.
On the Product Installer page, click Download.
The Forcepoint Security Installer ForcepointDLP1030Setup.exe downloads.
Right-click ForcepointDLP1030Setup.exe and select Run as administrator to launch the installer. A progress dialog box appears as
files are extracted.
The installer detects components from an earlier version and asks how you want to proceed.
Click OK.
On the installer Introduction screen, click Next.
The Installer Dashboard remains on-screen, behind the installer screens that appear in subsequent stages of the upgrade.
Follow the screens in the upgrade wizard as described in the sections below:
- Management Infrastructure
- Forcepoint Web Security
- Forcepoint DLP
- Forcepoint Email Security
Wait for the Upgrade Complete screen to appear. Click Done to exit the installer.
Reboot the machine.
Important: You may be prompted to restart the machine after each component is upgraded. This is optional. You may prefer to restart the machine once after all
components are upgraded.
If you stopped your antivirus software, restart it.
Follow the instructions in Post-upgrade steps.